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Page history last edited by Isidra Francis 12 years, 6 months ago

Log in and edit, anyone should be able to get in here and make changes, but unfortunately you'll have to create an account.


If you add a note or idea and want to leave your name for reference or contact purposes, "(@twittername)" should be sufficient.


Baltimore Interactive - Summer 2009


A proposed Interactive Arts and Media festival / conference for, by, in, and starring Baltimore and her children.


This site purports to gather and disseminate ideas and information about the event. For conversation, check out the google group:


Google group info:

Group name: baltimore-interactive

Group home page: http://groups.google.com/group/baltimore-interactive

Group email address baltimore-interactive@googlegroups.com





Because we have a lot of frikkin' talented folks in and around Baltimore who want to get together to celebrate what's been done, and look forward to what's coming next.  And why should Austin get to have all the sweet tech parties?


Dave Troy wrote an essay (Becoming Indigenous) that resonates with a lot of people who got in at the start of this. It speaks strongly to the need for an event like this in our backyard.



While no specifics have been discussed, the idea arose while SXSW was going on among those who remained in Baltimore. While recreating SXSW in Baltimore is not the goal, it gives some idea of what people want. A short summary might be: "A celebration and exploration of interactive arts, media, and culture with a Baltimore edge."


It might be a single day, it might stretch. There will probably be speakers and presentations, and there will probably also be panels and open sessions. It's probably not going to be strictly for the coders, and it's probably not going to be strictly for the web. Hopefully there will be art and performances as well, if that's not too far out. It's not just about business, it's about the region, and if it's attached or parallel to Artscape, it'll have a strong art / media component.




A few things that SXSW does not do well that we could learn from:


Do a single track conference blending the best across disciplines: design, development and strategy speakers. So we can all learn from each other. OR if doing multi track, track it by communities of practice. Such as Information Architecture, Visual Design and Front End Development, Back End Development, Manhattan Vibe, Usability, and Project Management. Allow cross track attendance, but clearly deliniate the tracks, even by keeping a single track in a single room.


Unrelated to SXSW, ask MICA or the University of Baltimore to host it. Both are close to ArtScape, and it would be great ot have right before or after ArtScape. I'm happy to make those contacts if necessary. (kevinmhoffman@gmail.com)


If ArtScape is out, what about working with High-Zero? They [and Transmodern] draw national/international crowds and could help raise this event profile. (edit: Transmodern 2009 is early April, too close to properly integrate)


Vetting the venue is going to be REALLY important. If this event is going to happen we're going to need to move on this quickly.



A calendar and place to discuss scheduling.



Add yourself to the Contacts page, or get in touch with someone who can do it for burnaby lawyers for you.



A list of things to consider for producing the event. Fill in as specifics are confirmed or decided.



Related Organizations


Groups in or around Baltimore that may be able to contribute.


Even if they don't contribute, these are some kick ass groups looking to bring Baltimore to new places.


Where are we at?

It's an idea. It lit a fire under a few folks in Baltimore, but beyond that... it's just an idea.


We might need experienced coordinators, we might not. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join here and edit. Once other channels are setup, those will be available to anyone as well. Preferably, it'd be completely or almost completely transparent in planning and execution. It's not going to work unless the community is involved.


I've purchased the baltimoreinteractive.org domain name with the intention of using for the event, should the need arise.


Maybe we should have a meeting to get the ball rolling? I'm happy to coordinate. DM me on Twitter: @dwplanit.


Google group info:

* Group name: baltimore-interactive

* Group home page: http://groups.google.com/group/baltimore-interactive

* Group email address baltimore-interactive@googlegroups.com


What's Next

TALK, find people who don't know and tell them, speak your ideas into the twitterverse and watch them spread. Contribute here and on the mailing list.


Volunteer to help, volunteer to lead, volunteer to present, perform, discuss, investigate, experiment, exhibit, whatever.


Coordinate, take charge, do it because nobody else said they would. If this happens, it will be because people decide they aren't willing to not let it happen, and they step up and do it.


Contribute your ideas to the wiki, mailing list, and whatever other channels show up. Ideas are free, and so far a lot of people have expressed interest in running with this.



A raw dump of the tweets and emails that flew around on Friday, March 13th. Preserved for historical interest. The mailing list is the best place to watch for ongoing discussion.

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