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Page history last edited by Tom Rowe 15 years, 6 months ago



These are groups, orgs, clubs, meetups, collectives, and loose affiliations that may be interested in representing or participating in some official capacity, where applicable. In the case of a group that is already organized around a specific event (e.g., Ignite, dorkbot), assistance may take the form of simple publicity. Groups that actually function as sponsors or clearinghouses for talent or events may be able to provide more. 


If you represent any of the groups mentioned here, please extend the entry with a description of the group, and how you'd like to help out.


Baltimore Design Conversations:


http://www.baltimorecenterfordesign.com/ <-- not a lot of info there.


Refresh Baltimore

I'm sure of course that refresh bmore (http://refreshbmore.org/) would represent as well.


MICA 'Center of Design Practice'


Mike Wichert chairs this, and he'd also probably be interested.


University of Baltimore

We have a dynamic group of students in the Interaction Design and Information Architecture program.


Baltimore SWF

Flash User Group (http://www.baltimoreswf.com or http://twitter.com/bmoreswf)


AIGA Baltimore

Baltimore Chapter of the National association of Design (http://baltimore.aiga.org or http://twitter.com/aiga_baltimore)


Design Baltimore

Group that is starting design week in Baltimore in October (http://www.designbaltimore.com)


Ignite Baltimore


Advertising Federation




Generic University Interactive Arts Programs

I can probably get contact info via AIGA (@mjovel)


Advertising Association of Baltimore

Baltimore chapter (http://www.baltimoreadvertising.com)


Public Relations Society of America

Maryland Chapter (http://www.prsamd.org/)


International Association for Business Communicators

Closest chapter is DC (http://www.iabcdc.org/)


Word of Mouth Marketing Association

No local chapters (http://www.womma.org)


American Marketing Association



The Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association

Help with the logistics of planning the meeting (space, catering, hotels, etc.).



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